Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Reagan Party

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Since I was a child, I thoroughly believed the platforms and stances of the Republican Party. I looked at the strength, wisdom, and compassion of a man named Ronald Wilson Reagan, Osteo biflex and found myself a role-model. A man who realized that a strong military will protect us now and for the future, a man who realized that government is to regulate but not hinder, a man who realized that the longer we keep our society a capitalist one that we will continue to grow and prosper, and a man who realized that when we (as a nation) disavow God our creator, that we are setting ourselves up for complete collapse. I knew that even though I chose him for a role model, I would always fall short of who he was and what he stood for, but I swore to myself that I would never stop trying to live up to his ideals. - As a side note, I feel sorry for those who are about to vote in this (if it's their first) election that they have never experienced who Reagan was.....probably the greatest leader in the 20th century.

Since Reagan has been President I have passionately followed and backed every Republican candidate for President.......until now. And now in a time when we need a leader the most, I continually find myself defending a candidate who shares only a fraction of the ideals that President Reagan held. Senator John McCain believes in a strong military ...but he believes in amnesty for illegal immigrants, global warming, and is toying with a governmental healthcare plan. Granted, his current Democrat opponent (Barack Obama) believes in most of the same things so it's very difficult to tell the two apart. But I've been defending McCain because Obama is a far more liberal and more socialist candidate. But neither of these men will be a good leader for this country, and to unfortunately repeat myself, it is a shame that of the 300,000,000 people in this country.....that these two men are the best that we can do for President.

Let's begin with the "Cause and Effect" of why the country is in it's current state......first the Clinton administration decimated this country's defenses when he fired 300,000 "employees" from our DOD and Intel agencies, this led to our eventual attack on 9/11/2001, which prompted the US to retaliate against two nations. That same administration also "protected" areas which were extremely rich in oil and coal, denying us the use of our own natural resources eventually forcing our energy costs to soar. Not to mention NAFTA, which has caused job losses in the millions. And finally the sub-prime loan crisis which has put a strangle-hold on our current economy, which again was a behest of the Clinton administration to promote minority home purchases. At the time when Clinton enacted his policies, to his (lack-of-vision) ilk, these were wonderful ideas to protect the environment and balance the budget. But obviously time has proven that each idea Clinton and his advisors have acted upon, has exploded in a volcano of disaster that has affected everyone in this country. All President Bush could do, is react to each Clinton catastrophe, and try to put out the fires where he could.

So knowing where we are and why we have arrived here, I humbly submit an idea, one that is not devoid of merit, and one that may bring the stronger parts of two parties together. First I'd like to extend my hand to those called the "Reagan Democrats", the folks who have always voted Democrat, because your parents did, and their parents did, but you crossed that line for two national elections because you saw the right choice and the right man for the job when Reagan ran for the office. The blue collar people from the North and Midwest who are tired of "giving" their votes to a party whom only takes them for granted a party prone to listening to the Union leader, and not the actual Union worker. And speaking of being taken for granted, the true conservative base of the Republican Party is being taken to task now. John McCain has sided with Liberals almost as much as he has sided with Conservatives and in doing so he's called himself a "Maverick" and a "Centrist", but with these actions he's proven that his only core in himself. To you conservative and moderate Republicans, I extend my hand to you; let's show everyone that we can walk away from liberals, even those liberals who wear an elephant upon their lapel. Lastly, I extend a hand to the Libertarians; your voices have a far better chance of being heard with us than with the liberal Democrats or the liberal Republicans.

Now......what we are looking for is a leader. We need a leader who will see our current War on Terrorism to a conclusion and a victory, a leader who will see "climate change" for what it is, a natural periodic reoccurence, a leader who will make sure that if you are working in this country that you are contributing to it's Treasury by using a valid social security number and paying taxes. We need a leader who realizes that we have to drill for oil in our oceans and our land areas, because consumers are struggling to make ends meet and that the technology is there to make drilling and usage safer for us all. We need a leader who will view nuclear power as a necessity to keep power cheaper for business and homes in our future. We need a leader to say "no" to spending programs such as National Endowment for the Arts and taxpayer funded Global Warming research. We need a leader who will make sure that illegal drugs and substances are not tax-payer funded, so they'll make it necessary for all government employees (from the President to the street sweeper) to be drug screened on a regular basis. That same leader will make sure that anyone receiving social security (excluding seniors) or welfare checks will be tested as well. We need a leader to punish the guilty and protect the unborn. We need a leader who understands that protecting our borders means not only from illegal workers, but from potential attackers, and disease carriers as well. We need a leader who is of a Christian faith, just like the founders of this nation. Someone who recognizes the core of our beliefs are GOD, Family, and Country. We need a leader who will take the walk from the White House to the Capital and stand in front of the members of congress and call them out when they stand in the way of the general good of this country. We need another Ronald Reagan.

I'm not saying I'm that man....but I am saying that man will be found when we form a new party. The Reagan Party, will have a representative who embodies these elements, these beliefs, and these morals. We must continue to bring these ideals to the forefront of our country lest we lose the sovereignty of this nation. We will not go to DC to fight merely for our own party interests; we will go to Washington to fight for the country's best interests. Our goal is to strengthen and unite this nation, but not by getting along with socialist liberals, but by thoroughly and soundly beating and defeating them (figuratively or literally whichever it takes). We must prove our founders right, that through capitalism not socialism will our country survive and prosper. If there is ever a time to make a stand for our country and its future, then the message of "Change that we can believe in" is the wrong one. The best message for everyone one is "Change from Capitalism to Socialism isn't the answer....let's just make things right".

Over the next few weeks I'll be starting a web-site blog, creating a charter, and hoping to start a membership drive for this party. This is the ground floor. Don't sit on this email.......pass it along, find out how many people feel and believe the way we do. Only together can we make a real difference, only together can we defeat liberalism to make a better life for ourselves and our future generations to come.

Thank you, and GOD bless you all.

Paul Fitts - "GOD, Family, Country"

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