Ever wondered how as a personal trainer, fitness instructor or sports coach how a technique or explanation could be simplified so that a client or athlete will remember key points of the exercise.
Much has been written over the years on technique, tempo, best use of an exercise; no articles have pieced these all together and made it easy to understand the execution of an exercise.
The old adages of KISS (keep it simple stupid) and EDIPP (Explain, demonstrate, imitate, practice) do hold true and in fact BLABTT was an element within the EDIPP Principal lecture on, Should personal trainers touch their clients?
The delivery of an exercise has to be covered from both points of view that of the trainer and that of the client.
Trainers need to understand that clients will listen to their every word and pick up on everything the say and relay, Osteo biflex whether it be right or wrong in relation to all fitness matters.
Clients need to be confident and ask when they are not sure or need to confirm a specific point.
Exercises need to be broken down into six easy steps which trainer and client alike will remember (client) and manage (Trainer).
This should be used in conjunction with EDIPP.
Remember this method does not just lend itself just to weight training, it can equally be used for running, cycling, plyometrics, body weight, dynamic/static stretching.
B-Body- cover the position of the body, where it should be in relation to the exercise being conducted and how it should be held through out the execution of the said exercise. Contraindications should also be covered as well as bad technique corrected.
L-Legs- again explain the position of the legs and how they perform during the exercise and muscles targeted if the exercise is targeting the legs, again coaching points should be covered.
A-Arms- Simply put, where, what and how in relation to position, muscles targeted, covering coaching points and technique.
B-Breathing- this is sometimes a difficult thing for clients to master, everyone knows breathing is a normal function that happens naturally; but give someone a bit of weight or place them under some form of pressure or exertion then breathing goes to pot, it gets faster, slower or they go hypoxic, hold their breath, clients need to have proper technique explained to them and how they should breath during the eccentric, concentric and isometric phases of any exercise.
T-Tempo- Most people just lift weights as fast as they can without proper technique or thought to what they are actually doing. Clients need to be educated in relation to the benefits of tempo and how and when to use various options.
T-Technique- this is the final phase where everything comes together. This is where coaching points need to be re emphasized and a final demonstration given.
The above may sound exhaustive and long winded, but by using this simple procedure when dealing with the execution of an exercise or method, you will ensure that you get the fundamental basics right from the start.
By getting them right you will see greater rewards as the client progresses with you.
You have permission to publish this article as long as it is used in its entirety and full accreditation is given to the author and all hyperlinks are used.
Author; Brian Fernie Dip PT, FIOS, CMT http://www.tod-coaching.co.uk http://www.teamtod.co.uk
Health and fitness
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