You may have heard about remote viewing and dismissed it as psychic 'mumbo jumbo' but apart from the fact that it helps to reach a certain mind state before trying it, there is nothing paranormal to discover. The fact that US intelligence has developed and deployed remote viewing for espionage and gaining military advantage has shown the validity of the method.
Anyone can develop a mind state where remote viewing is achievable and by using binaural beats this can be made much easier. Because our minds are more sensitive to any outside influence when we are in the lower frequencies of theta which is just before sleep and delta, which is similar to our sleeping state, we are better able to achieve remote viewing if we can achieve these states in a controlled way.
Remote viewing is defined as a skill by which an individual or 'viewer' can actually perceive events, Osteo biflex objects or people in a location far removed from them by distance and time. Using this skill a practiced 'viewer' can describe all manner of details relating to events 1,000's of miles away or in some cases from long ago in time.
Remote viewing uses our innate ability to bridge time and space when our minds are in Theta and this is where using binaural beats can really play a part. By using binaural beats cds or downloads, we can easily reach a state of mind conducive to that required for viewing remotely. There are even specially developed recordings targeting the particular range of frequencies affecting our minds to enhance our remote viewing sensitivity.
There is a close link with remote viewing and lucid dreaming which is also a controlled mind process, where a person is able to consciously take over their dream and direct it in the way they want it to go. Many people use binaural beats to obtain a state of lucid dreaming and once developed this can also enable the ability to direct your dream to a chosen venue and view the events.
For military experiments there is a strict discipline and verifiable targets are used initially to gauge the likely success of subsequent 'blind'targets where the viewer receives no information about the subject they are to view. This is the best way to approach the procedure so that you can gain confidence in your ability before going on to try inaccessible targets.
Imagine being able to see any event or person and gain knowledge you can use to your advantage. Remote viewing should be used carefully however as with any use of our extra-sensory skills there is a responsibility that goes with their use and it will work to your disadvantage if you try to harm or control others using this skill. However there are many times when the knowledge of a loved one's illness or dangerous predicament could enable you to help them and maybe if you suspected your partner was cheating on you it wouldn't harm to check it out!
Get a guaranteed download specifically targeting remote viewing and access to over 300 hypnosis downloads and binaural beat sessions at
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